Performance Evaluation of Pattern Matching Algorithms |
INTRODUCTION This page presents a performance evaluation of Full-Search (FS) - equivalent pattern matching algorithm. The results presented on this webpage are relative to the following paper: [1] Wanli Ouyang, Federico Tombari, Stefano
Mattoccia, Luigi Di Stefano and Wai-Kuen Cham,
Pattern matching relates to the problem of matching a given pattern within a given image. Full search-equivalent pattern matching algorithms accelerate the pattern matching process and, at the same time, yield exactly the same result as the full search/exhaustive search. A pattern matching DEMO is available here. The algorithms included in our evaluation are the following ones:
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A demo image showing an image under different levels of distortions
Datasets are from: Details about the dataset used for comparison:
Please cite appropriately this webpage and [1] if you use this dataset for research or scientific purposes.
is possible to download the source code used for our evaluation. The
code is in C. We used Visual studio 6.0 for compilation and
linking. Once compiled, this code can
be directly run on the dataset provided. The source code can be downloaded from here:
The code provided for our evaluation includes parts of code written by the authors who developed the original algorithms being evaluated. The distributed code and materials are protected by proprietary rights and, in particular, by copyright. For research purposes: these proprietary rights are freely
licensed for use and copy. Please cite their papers [2-7] and [1] appropriately if you use the provided code. For commercial purposes: please refer directly to the authors who developed the algorithms and papers. กก |